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Fast Company profiles MLS Digital

Fast Company recently profiled MLS Digital's activations at the 2016 MLS All-Star Game in San Jose. 

My favorite bit from the article:

"Each year, the MLS All-Star Game pits a selection of the best Major League Soccer players against a high-profile club from overseas. Billed as the battle between north London and North America, this year's game brought over Arsenal of the Premier League, but the game has become almost incidental now to the hive of activity and incredible buildup created to heighten overall awareness and excitement around soccer in North America.

But this isn’t some naive marketing exercise for an audience who are less knowledgeable about the sport. On the contrary, what we saw was a refreshingly innovative, transparent, fun approach to brand, talent, marketing, and sporting occasion, from which the U.K. in particular should sit up and take note."

Go read the entire article here